Sharing my love of Taiko

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lacquered Kimyōna Body

Once I got the weird little drum's body rounded out and sanded I measured where I was going to put the body rings and masked it off with masking tape and applied 4 coats of lacquer. Once I was satisfied with the paint job I peeled the tape exposing a section of wood which I will glue the steamed oak rings to.

Because there is surprisingly little flex in oak once it's cooled after bending I either have to build a form specific to a particular drum or use the drum body itself as a form. As no two drums I make are alike, due to being made by hand, using the body itself seems like a better idea than having a unique form for each body size. While they were still hot I lined the oak straps up along the lines exposed by the masking tape and clamped them in place.

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