Sharing my love of Taiko

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shime Stands Revisited

Despite the fact that the drum head height of the shime when on the stands I built previously is very close to that of the other drums we use in our group, pretty much every drummer has felt that they're too low. I think that the angle of the drum head may have something to do with it. Maybe they would feel differently if the head of the drum was parallel to the floor. In any case, I decided to make additional stands that place the shime higher. Since I love to experiment, a new design was in order.

This stand places the top head of the shime four inches higher than the previous design. The construction was largely the same. I doweled and glued all the joins. The head of the triangle is held together with hinges so the stand will fold flat for storage and transport. And for a change of pace I painted it black.

I thought the dark stand would contrast nicely with the white of the heads and rope, with the wood tones of the body creating a nice middle ground. I probably think about these things too much. In any case, painting the stand was a far more difficult than I would have ever thought, so I don't know if I'm going to make a habit of it.

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