Sharing my love of Taiko

Monday, September 26, 2011

Here we are

This blog started in response to conversations that sprung up during practice. Matsuri is in our repertoire, as it is for many (most?) Taiko groups, and we were discussing the many variations we'd heard. It seemed like each Taiko group had it's own version. (and why not?). One of our newest drummers wondered out loud if various versions were similar enough that, say, we could play along with one of our neighboring Taiko groups. I commented that in my experience I wouldn't have been able to follow most of the other versions I had heard.

  How does this result in a blog you ask? Well, on a whim I decided to begin a search for other versions of Matsuri to put together a collection for comparison. As I began my search I thought it would be great if I could put them all in some central location where the other members of our Taiko group could access them as well. Which snowballed into, well, this. Now it's not just a collection of Matsuri versions, but a collection of all things Taiko. At least that's the hope for the future. With the closing of Rolling Thunder the resources of the Taiko community have been significantly reduced. Though there are still some excellent resources out there, I thought I would try to contribute my small portion too.

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